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To the Authors

Guidelines for submitting manuscripts

The manuscript is sent to the editors in electronic form via email izdat_mgopu@mail.ru The editors confirm receiving the manuscripts. If no notification is received within seven days, please send the materials again.

Texts up to 1 copyright sheet (40,000 characters with spaces or 15–18 pages) are accepted for consideration. In case these limits are exceeded and cannot be reduced according to the author’s opinion, the decision upon publishing is taken by the Editorial Board on the basis of the reviewers’ recommendation.

The downloadable file of the article should contain all the information for publication (including pictures, graphs and tables). Photographs, maps and other untagged illustrative materials should be sent separately as .jpeg, .bmp, .gif files (duplicating in .doc, .docx, .pdf, .eps formats if additional notes are added to the image). Image files must be given a name corresponding to the figure number in the text (see “Requirements for materials”, item 11.3).

All articles are checked in the “Anti-plagiarism” system and peer reviewed in accordance with the Review Regulations.

All communication between authors and reviewers is done only through the Executive secretary of the editorial board or the deputy Editor-in-Chief

The editors reserve the right to reduce the volume of the material and to literary edit it.

In case of complete or partial reprinting of materials, a reference to the journal “LOCUS: people, society, cultures, meaning” is mandatory.

Articles that do not meet the above described requirements are not accepted for consideration.

The date of receipt of the manuscript is the day of acceptance of the article for consideration.

Requirements to submitted materials

The article should be prepared in accordance with the requirements listed below and carefully proofread by the author.

The article can be written in Russian or English, the requirements for structure and design are the same for both languages.

The text should be typed in Times New Roman, have a size of 14 pt and one and a half line spacing. Page margins are 2 cm on each side. The text can be marked in italics or in boldface letters. Repeated spaces and extra line breaks are excluded.

Manuscript structure

1. Author(s) (in Russian).When writing the names of the authors, the surname should follow the initials (for example M.V. Kostina).

2. Author’s affiliation (in Russian). It is necessary to provide the full official name of the institution (without abbreviations), its postal code, city and country. If authors from different institutions took part in writing the manuscript, it is necessary to correlate the names of institutions and full names of the authors by adding digital indexes in the upper register before the names of the institutions and the names of the respective authors. The name of the institution mentioned first must correspond to the first author’s surname. If the author cooperates with several institutions, it is necessary to indicate those of them which are relevant to the article.

3. The title of the article (in Russian).It should be informative, short enough and reflect the essence of the material. You can only use the common abbreviations (for example, B.C.) Abbreviations are not allowed.

4. Abstract (in Russian). The abstract should be of a referential character and accurately reflect the content of the article. The text of the abstract should not contain abbreviations, except for units of measurements or common abbreviations. The volume of the abstract can range from 150 to 200 words. If the article describes the original research, the abstract should have a clear structure that corresponds to the structure of the article: relevance, purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusions.

5. Key words (in Russian).These are 5–10 basic terms or personalities that are mentioned in the article and which can be used by an interested reader to quickly find it. Therefore, it is not recommended to include keywords that are common terms for many subject areas or that represent a too wide range of meanings and therefore make it difficult to find your article. If their use is still necessary, it is better to narrow the meaning of these words (e.g. not “the sultan” but “SultanTughril”, not “gendarmes” but “Burgundy gendarmes”, not “freedom” but “freedom of conscience”, etc).

6. The author (transliteration). The surname and the initials of the author should be written in the same way as in previously published works. The names of the authors of the articles in transliterated form should correspond to the authors’ profiles available in databases, so as not to impede their identification and consolidation of data on their publications and quoting under one profile (identifier – author ID).

7. Affiliation (in English). It is necessary to indicate the official English-language name of the institution (written in the organization’s Charter), zip code of the organization and the city (the official variant in English) and country.

8. Title of the article (in English). The title of the article in English should fully correspond in its meaning to the one in the Russian language. Terms, personalities, names of political objects, etc. should be written as is customary in English literature, (e.g. Смутное время – Time of Troubles, Бородинское сражение – Battle of Borodino, Отечественная война 1812 года – Patriotic War of 1812, Эсхил – Aeschylus).

9. Abstract (in English) should, according to the meaning and structure, fully correspond to the Russian-language one

10. Key words (in English) should fully correspond to key words in Russian and the terminology accepted in the scientific sphere.


11. The text of the article (in Russian and English)

11.1. The abbreviations used, except for the common ones, must be decoded at the first use in the text.

11.2. All tables in the text are numbered and accompanied by headings, a link to the table should be given in the text

11.3. If there are illustrative materials in the article, references to them are mandatory. All illustrative materials should be numbered (numbering is continuous). Illustrative materials (photographs, drawings, charts, diagrams, maps, etc.) should be made taking into account the black and white printing (clear, without small details, the use of backgrounds, halftones and color elements is unacceptable) and accompanied by captions. In exceptional cases, according to the decision of the editorial board, it is possible to use a color version of maps or photographs. Graphic materials (diagrams, diagrams, etc.) should be presented in vector format (.ai, .eps, .excels); maps and photos in .tif or .jpg format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All captions and transcripts to illustrative materials are compulsorily duplicated in English.

11.8. Notes are made in the form of automatic page footnotes.

11.9.1. Bibliographic references in the text are given immediately after the fragment requiring the reference, by writing it in square brackets, which specifies information that allows the identification of the reference object: [11]

11.9.2. When quoting directly, the page number must be indicated using a comma after the reference number’ [1, p. 25]. If references to several sources are simultaneously cited in square brackets, they are separated from each other by a semicolon: [16, p. 50; 20, p. 95]

11.9.3. The author is responsible for the reliability of the information, the accuracy of citing and references to sources and literature.


12. The references.

12.1. It includes all literature and other sources used by the author (scientific reports, dissertations, legislative acts, etc.). The references is placed at the end of the text (it is included in the total volume of the article and is formed alphabetically, first there are sources in Russian and other languages using Cyrillic, then sources in foreign languages: first in Latin, then – using other types of alphabet).

12.2. The names of journals should not be abbreviated.

12.3. Sources in Cyrillic should be presented in accordance with the requirements for a short bibliographic record GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation “or GOST 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation”.

12.4. After the description of each Russian-language (or Cyrillic) source in square brackets, its description is given in Latin:

  • If an article is given in a journal or a collection of materials, it is required to present its title in English. The official English-language title of the journal is indicated, if there is none, its transliteration is given:

Горшков Д.И. Рапорт генерала Морана о сражении при Москве-реке, 5–7 сентября 1812 г. // Вестник архивиста. 2013. № 2. С. 206–231. [Gorshkov D.I. General Morand report about battle at Moscow River on 5–7th September 1812. Herald of an Archivist. 2013. No. 2. Pp. 206–231. (In Russ.)];

Копытова О.Н. Внешнеэкономические связи Псковской области // Проблемы и перспективы европеизации образования приграничных территорий / Отв. ред. Г.В. Варламов. Псков, 2013. С. 63–65. [Kopytova O.N. Foreign economic relations of the Pskov region. Problemy i perspektivy evropeizatsii obrazovaniya prigranichnykh territoriy. G.V. Varlamov (ed.). Pskov, 2013. Pp. 63–65. (In Russ.)]

  • If a monograph, a scientific report, a dissertation work, a collection is given as a whole, a transliteration of the name and its translation into English are given:

Земцов В.Н. Великая армия Наполеона в Бородинском сражении. М., 2018. [Zemcov V.N. Velikaya armiya Napoleona v Borodinskom srazhenii [Napoleon’s Great Army in the Battle of Borodino]. Moscow, 2018.]

Можайский А.Ю. Внешнеполитический курс Фиванского полиса в классический период. Дис. … канд. ист. наук. М., 2007. [Mozhajskij A.Yu. Vneshnepoliticheskij kurs Fivanskogo polisa v klassicheskij period [Foreign policy of Theban polis in the classical period]. PhD diss. Moscow, 2007.]

  • if the work cited in the article is translated into Russian (or another language that does not use the Latin alphabet) and it is listed in the bibliographic list, the original name and name of the author in Latin (not its transliteration!) and both the transliterated and the original title of the book are indicated:

Нойштадт Р., Мэй Э. Современные размышления о пользе истории для тех, кто принимает решения. М., 1999. [Neustadt R., May E. Sovremennye razmyshleniya o pol’ze istorii dlya tekh, kto prinimaet resheniya [Thinking in time: The uses of history for decision makers]. Moscow, 1999. (In Russ.)]

Эванс К. Иисус и его мир: Новейшие открытия. М., 2015. [Evans C. Iisus i ego mir: Noveyshiye otkrytiya [Jesus and his world. The archaeological evidence]. Moscow, 2015.]

12.5.1. References to archival documents are given in the general bibliographic list by the name of the authors or, in their absence, by the name of the document.

12.5.2. For sources from Russian archives (or the countries that do not use the Latin alphabet) it is important to indicate the full name of the archive, the number of the fund, the name of the fund (if available), the number of the inventory (if available), the serial number of the case according to the inventory (if available), sheet number in the case. Please note that it is necessary to indicate all the elements of search data accepted in a particular archive (for example, the name and number of the part of the fund, the number of cardboard, years if they are an element of search data, etc.). The transliterated and translated into English language the title of the document, the official name of the archive in English, then the transliterated names of the fund (if any), the number of the fund, inventory, case, etc. should be indicated in square brackets:

Положение о военных комиссарах и членах военных советов // Российский государственный военно-исторический архив. Ф. 8 (Военные комиссары). Оп. 1. Д. 50. Л. 8–8 об. [Polozhenie o voennykh komissarakh i chlenakh voennykh sovetov [Regulations on military commissars and members of military councils]. Russian State Military Historical Archive. Fund 8 (Military commissars). Inventory 1. Case 50 (1). Sheets 8–8 turn]

12.5.3. Archival documents from foreign archives (where the Latin script is used) are presented according to the rules adopted in this archive, and the name of the document, archive, fund must be indicated:

Lettre du général van Dedem au maréchal Berthier, le 21 septembre 1812 (Moscou). S.H.D./GR. Sous-Série C² 131.

12.6. It is necessary to use automated transliteration.

12.7. Foreign sources in the Latin alphabet remain unchanged.

Correspondance du maréchal Davout, prince d’Eckmühl : ses commandements, son ministère, 1801–1815/ avec introd. et notes, par Ch. de Mazade. T. 1–4. Paris, 1885.

12.8. Sources in languages using atypical fonts (Chinese, Arabic, etc.) are made using transliteration according to the rules described for sources in Cyrillic.

الحبيب وليد سياسة إنجلترا // النصر السورية. [Valid al-khabib. The English Policy. An-nasr. 13.10.1957. (In Arabic)]

13. Information about the author/authors (in Russian and English).

13.1. It contains the full name of the author, the place of work with the indication of the department, chair, laboratory (abbreviations are not allowed, the translation of the name of the organization must correspond to the official version of the name of the organization in English), position, academic title or status, academic degree, e-mail address.

13.2. For the authors based in Russia, it is advisable to provide a phone number for further communication (this information is not subject to publication). If the article is written by several authors, contact information of the person responsible for communication with the editorial office is given.

14. Additional information (should be presented both in Russian and English)

14.1 Information about sponsorship. If there is a source of funding for research or publication of an article (grant, fund, commercial or state organization, private person, etc.), it is necessary to indicate it.

14.2. Acknowledgements. The authors can express their gratitude to individuals and organizations that contributed to the publication of the article in the journal, but they should not be the authors of the article.

14.3. If there a few authors of the article, it is required to specify contribution of each of the co-authors with a description of the types of work performed by them (it is necessary for the assessment of the real role of each co-author and protect against unjustified attribution of authorship).


Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) after the publication, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Privacy statement

The e-mail addresses provided by the authors will be posted in the journal and will become publicly available. Phone numbers will be used solely for communication between the editorial office and the author and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other individuals and organizations.


Alexander A. Orlov