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cover_istor4-2015“Locus: People, Society, Cultures, Meaning” is peer-reviewed scientific journal focused on the study of the topical issues in history and political science. The editors of the journal welcome publications that can center around burning issues that have unambiguous solutions to the problems of history and political science and provide an author’s vision on the topical problems thus will allow organizing a scientific discussion on the pages of the journal that can bring scientists from different countries, cultures, historical schools.
Scientific articles reflecting the results of original research on history and political science, as well as reviews of sources and historiography on various topical problems of history and political science are accepted for publication. The journal also publishes new archival documents as well as translations of foreign archival and narrative sources.
In articles on history, priority is given to studies based on clearly defined term systems and methods of historical analysis, as well as combining the general theoretical perspective of the problems of the world-historical processes with the analysis of specific documentary (historical) sources.
For research in the field of political science, the practical value of the results obtained, their correlation with the main trends in theoretical and experimental research are important.
The range of historical eras, cultures and civilizations, on the material of which the article can be based, is not limited, but the editorial board of the journal reserves the right to refuse if it is not possible to provide a sufficient level of review for highly specialized topics.
The journal does not accept journalistic materials, both political and historical, as well as bibliographic reviews that do not contain the author’s conceptual position and specific comments on the presented text.
The article is accepted on the basis of a double “blind” review (in case of a mixed assessment of the reviewer or the interdisciplinarity of the research topic, the article can be sent to a thrid reviewer) and takes into account the following main characteristics of the work.
1. Scientific novelty: the article should contain new, previously unpublished scientific results.
2. The study of specific historical or political phenomena: theoretical results should be obtained on the basis of historical or political analysis of empirical data.
3. Knowledge of the literature on the research topic: its review should identify the place of the author’s research in the general context of the problem, the scientific value of the obtained results.
4. Adequacy of presentation: the article should be logically consistent, adequately structured.
The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed editions recommended for publishing doctoral research results by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation in the following directions: National History (the History of Russia); General History; Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research; History of International Relations and Foreign Policy; Theory and Philosophy of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science; Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies; Political Culture and Ideology; Political Problems of International Relations, Global and Regional Development; Political Regional Studies; Ethnopolitics; Conflict management
The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Telecommunications, Information and Mass Communications.
Mass media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 67762 от 17.11.2016.
The journal is published quarterly. The issue volume is 150 pages.
Subscription index of the magazine under the Joint Catalog “Press of Russia” is 85007.


Alexander A. Orlov